"Candy is Dandy, but liquor is quicker." Willy Wonka

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Locking Gazes

At times, for no reason in particular, the gazes of two people will meet, perhaps repetitively, and one wants to make excuses, but there are simply none.

A classic example for a socially awkward situation, the locking of eyes seems to leave both people at an impass.

"He's going to think i'm staring at him.'' "She thinks there's something wrong with me." "I didn't even realize i was looking at them."

Well the deed is done. Eye contact carries the idea that the one that is 'caught' wanted to get the attention of the other participant in this game of bouncing light waves. That's not necessarily true. The 'starer', indeed, is aware of this and tries to look as nonchalant as possible, as if it were the mistake that it actually was. This only makes everything look more suspicious. If there was something to be suspicious about to begin with.

This is not your classic 'boy sees girl at the end of the dance hall. girl turns around and boy glances quickly away. boy then slowly regains composure as the girl is calmly waiting. boy lifts his eyes to meet hers, they dance, fall in love, and get married' story. There is no sheepish love in these social mishaps. It's a blatant misdirection of eyesight - pupils pointed in the wrong direction.

Dialogue of the brainwaves.

I wonder when this meeting is going to be overwith, I have way too much to do. Gotta get my christmas shopping done. What am I gonna get my sister? Oh man, did she just catch me totally staring at her? I didn't even know what I was looking at. Rats! I can't ever speak with her again. She'll think I like her or hate her or just care enough to fix my attention soley on her.

What is that all about? He just straight up glared at me. I hardly even know him. I wonder what he wants. Maybe he doesn't want anything. Maybe it was a mistake. Well this is just creepy. I'll try to avoid this at all costs.

A little role playing never hurt anyone.

Well maybe it has, but i've never heard about it.