Fighting in Sports ...
Fighting in Sports Today
Can you believe this? I have watched the highlight a few times already and I'm appalled at the behavior of this superstar athlete. However, I am even more dumbfounded at the behavior of the fans that did their best to make him even angrier. It just shows that humans really are animals in their purest form.
The people seated around that area saw that he was upset and began throwing things and saying things that would make him lose control. Why would people do this? I believe that for one reason or another that they like to see people lose control and "fall from grace". I suppose it's thrilling for them. I mean look at all of us; we are watching it like a wreck on the side of the road; like blood and gore in a movie. We are fascinated by the unruly and I believe that when some individuals have an opportunity to incite such melee, such extraordinary events, they jump at the chance.
Human beings can almost be like sharks in a feeding frenzy when they see someone lose control like that. It's common behavior of children in elementary school through high school to try and push another child "over the edge" when they sense that the child is already mad, upset, or emotionally distraught. They feel that if they can push them to the next "level" that they will really get a show. They almost have a yearning curiosity to see how the higher authorities will react to such unruly behavior or extraordinary events.
All in all, I really don't like what this kind of behavior is doing to professional sports and I can only see things going downhill. It only takes a handful to ruin it for the rest of us.